Welcome to Playa del Carmen
Welcome to Dolphin Discovery Playa del Carmen
Is located at the world famous Maroma beach!
These incredible tender mammals are considered to be one of the most intelligent species on the planet.
The dolphins (Delphinidae), regularly called ocean dolphins, are a family of cetacean odontocetis (that have teeth), that embrace almost 34 species.
Like other cetaceans, they utilize echolocation, the dance and the jump to communicate and orientate themselves.
At Dolphin Discovery, the dolphins are the bottled nose (Tursiops truncatus). They live in groups of 12 animals called pods; these are long lasting social units.

The males can reach reproductive maturity at the age of 11, and females at the age of 12. The hit time is generally on Springtime. During the mating period, the male dolphins compete vigorously in between them to show their strength and size.
Our main labor as marine mammals specialists is to be aware of dolphins -day and night- and to give them the best possible care. Come and share with us the huge love we feel for dolphins!.

Swim with the most playful and tender marine mammal in the sea.
Come and join the most adorable marine animals in their natural habitat.
These beloved dolphins will approach to give you an adorable kiss, a warm hug and all their love: they are always excited to hang out with our guests and share their incredible skills and their friendly companionship.

While you are in the water, our marine mammal specialists will teach you some interesting data about dolphins:
The nutrition, reproductive and nursing programs we give to each of our species and special tips to take care of our environment.
Our goal is to teach all we know about these amazing marine animals and for you to have a good time.
At Dolphin Discovery we love to share our knowledge with our visitors; that’s why during your program, we teach you how to take care of the environment, the top characteristics of these species and the personalized nutritional and health programs we give to our marine buddies.

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